Wisdom Audio Series S90i User Manual
Page 13

you directly. A well-designed room is also quieter and more comfortable. It can
easily become a favorite retreat for peace and rejuvenation.
If you decide to investigate the possibility of improving your room with the help
of a professional, it is important to find someone who focuses on residential
spaces. Most acousticians are trained to deal with large spaces — airports, au-
ditoriums, lobbies in commercial buildings, etc. The problems seen in “small”
rooms (residential spaces) are quite different, and outside the experience of most
acousticians. Find someone who specializes in and has a great deal of experi-
ence designing home studios, home theaters, and the like. Your Wisdom Audio
dealer may be such a person; failing that, he/she can help you find such a pro-
Books on Acoustics:
The Master Handbook of Acoustics, F. Alton Everest, TAB Books
Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and
Rooms by Dr. Floyd Toole, Focal Press
Suppliers of Acoustic Treatments:
Acoustic Innovations, http://www.acousticinnovations.com/
Acoustic Sciences Corporation, http://www.acousticsciences.com/
Echo Busters, http://www.echobusters.com
MSR Acoustics, http://www.msr-inc.com/home_theater/hometheater.html
RPG Diffusor Systems, http://www.rpginc.com/