Special design features – Wisdom Audio DCAB-1 User Manual
Page 9

Special Design Features
Improved Filters
The filters in the DCAB-1 are vastly superior to the previous Analog Brain.
There are more filters available. This allows for smaller sonic issues to be
effectively addressed. (Normally, you tackle the big sonic problems first;
if you have filters left after they are fixed, you have the luxury to address
smaller ones).
The DCAB-1 filters can be used for frequencies that the old filters could not
reach. All the filters (both cut and boost) can be adjusted to operate at any
relevant frequency.
The width of the DCAB-1 filters can be adjusted. These parametric filters
can be adjusted for center frequency, amplitude, and the “Q” or width of
the affected range. At 100% Q, an extremely narrow notch or peak is intro-
duced, affecting only a tiny range of frequencies; lower Q values broaden
the range of the frequencies affected by the cut or boost. This capability
gives you the power to fix an extremely specific problem with an equally
specific filter, without affecting adjacent frequencies.
In short, the filters in the DCAB-1 are more numerous, more powerful, and
more precise.
Repeatable Precision
The DCAB-1 has completely repeatable settings. If you decide to change a
single filter parameter to determine whether an improvement is possible, re-
turning to the original setting is as simple as returning the value to its original
number. Nothing is lost in the course of experimenting.
The previous Analog Brain used knobs for some of the settings, and returning
to exactly the same settings was difficult, if not impossible. This applied to left/
right balance, bass/treble balance, Q, and damping. With the DCAB-1 you can
return exactly to any desired setting. This allows for easy A B A testing of system
In addition, the DCAB-1 settings can be saved with a simple cut and paste oper-
ation. (In fact, we recommend printing your initial calibration results and saving
the printout with this manual. Doing so will make returning to original perfor-
mance simple if you ever decide to change anything.)
Adjust From Listening Position
The DCAB-1 can be adjusted from the listening position, which significantly
speeds the adjustment process. (No more running across the room every 30 sec-
onds to make a small change.)
During initial setup and calibration, the adjustments are done using a laptop
computer and a simple terminal program that communicates with the DCAB-1.
By having a long serial cable, you can easily have the laptop on your lap at the
primary listening position. Making on-the-fly adjustments yields immediate, au-
dible, and measurable results.