Vortech Universal Battery Relocation User Manual

Page 4

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P/N: 007079
©2004 Vortech Engineering, LLC
All Rights Reserved, Intl. Copr. Secured
28JAN04 v1.0 BattRelocRoutng(7079v1.0)



A. Disconnect and remove the battery from the

vehicle. Raise the rear of the car and support it
with jack-stands.

B. Remove the rear seat bottom and jute pad.

Remove the driver’s side scuff plate and kick
panel. Remove the trunk liner, passenger’s
side interior wheel well cover, plastic cover
around the trunk latch and the rear trunk
interior cover.

C. Using a small razor knife make an opening in

the factory wire harness grommet at the

Use extra caution to not damage

the factory wiring.

D. Feed the supplied power cable through the

hole in the grommet. The cable should be fed
through long enough to meet the factory
positive battery terminal. Route the power
cable inside the car down along the doorsill
underneath the vehicle’s carpeting. Route the
cable along the back seat bottom cavity and
behind the passenger’s side seat back. The
cable should be routed along the interior wheel
well sheet metal. Use the supplied adel clamps
and wire ties to secure the cable as needed.

See Fig. 1



It is imperative that the cable is carefully

routed and secured. Sharp edges or mov-
ing parts can damage the cable insulation
and lead to premature failure.


In the engine compartment, cut the metal

battery terminal loops off of the positive and
negative power terminals. Remove one ground
strap screw from the upper radiator core
support. Using the factory battery ground
terminal screw, attach the factory ground cable
to the ground location on the upper radiator
core support. (

See Fig. 2



Remove the factory screw from the positive

terminal and drill out the hole in the positive
terminal with a 15/64" drill bit. Install a supplied
lug end terminal onto the supplied power cable
end that was previously routed into the engine
compartment. Secure the two cable ends
together with 1/4-20 bolt, nut and washers.
Use heat shrink tubing to insulate any bare
metal areas.

G. Attach a supplied lug end terminal to the

supplied negative cable. A good ground
location can be achieved in the trunk by
sanding the primer off from around a factory
hole on the passenger’s side interior steel
wheel well. Using the supplied 3/8 -16 bolt, nut
and washers, secure the negative cable to this
location. (

See Fig. 3


Fig. 2

Fig. 1

Fig. 2