Select preset, 10 presets/bank, Rhythm – Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro User Manual

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The Ground Control Pro lets you create up to 200 presets. When you recall a preset, the
Ground Control Pro will set all of your MIDI controlled devices to the correct programs.
Plus, if you have one or more GCX Guitar Audio Switchers, it will switch all the loops too.
This allows you to completely control your sound with the press of a single button.

In the “Utility” section of Setup mode, you chose whether you wanted to access your presets
in groups of 10 or groups of 4. If you didn’t change this selection, the default is 10 presets in
each bank. The following sections will explain how you recall presets on your Ground Control
Pro depending on which selection you have made.

When you power up the Ground Control Pro, it displays a startup message which you can skip
by pressing any button. Then it shows a scrolling directory of the presets in Bank 0.


The 200 presets are arranged in 20 banks of 10 presets each. The banks are numbered from 0
to 9, then from A to J. Presets within the bank are numbered 0 to 9. The display will look
something like this:

The “07” at the beginning indicates that the Ground Control Pro is currently set to bank #0, preset
#7. The name of the preset is “RHYTHM”. If your Ground Control Pro is new, the names of
all your presets will be “INIT”. Once you start creating your own presets, you will enter your
own names for them. Creating and editing presets is explained in the following chapter.

To recall a preset, first select the bank by pressing [BANK

1] or [BANK 2]. To move through

the banks quickly, hold down either [BANK] button and it will repeat. Then choose a preset
within that bank by pressing any of buttons [1] through [9] or [0].


Use buttons “1” though “9” and “0” to select your presets. These are the small numbers
which are in the top two rows and the left side of the bottom row. The large numbers
“1” through “4” on a gray background are used with the 4 presets/bank selection only.

For example, if you’re currently in bank 0 (leftmost digit is a 0) and you want to recall preset #21,
press [BANK

1] twice to select bank #2, then press [1] to activate preset #1 within that bank.

You can also use the [-/NO] and [+/YES] buttons to step through your presets one at a time. This
is a handy feature if you have a rigid set list and all of the changes are already programmed in
order. Another use is to select the first preset in a song using the regular bank and number
buttons, then use [+/YES] to step through the changes within that song.

When you change banks, the Ground Control displays a directory of presets within the new
bank. The directory will continue to scroll until either a preset is selected or you return to the
original bank. If you forgot which bank you were in, when you get back to it the decimal point