Voodoo Lab Control Switcher User Manual

Page 7

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You can use Control Switcher with any MIDI controller capable of sending
program change (PC) or control change (CC) messages. Following the
instructions below in the SETUP section of this manual, you will set Control
Switcher to respond to either PC, CC or both message types, as well as which
MIDI channel. If you are using CC, you also need to specify which group of CC

Once setup, you can save and then recall preset combinations of switch settings
by sending a PC message from your MIDI foot controller. Here’s how:

1.) Send the PC message from your foot controller for the preset you want to

2.) Set the Control Switcher switches to the desired combination.

3.) Press and hold button #1. At the same time, press button #4. The LEDs will
blink to confirm that you saved the preset.

Now whenever Control Switcher receives this PC message, it will recall your
switch settings.

Note: You must configure Control Switcher to respond to MIDI program change
messages. To do this, go to the following sections of this manual:

SETUP: MIDI Program Change and Control Change Enable

SETUP: Set MIDI Channel

To use MIDI control change messages for Instant Access buttons, go here as

SETUP: Select Control Change Numbers