Velodyne WiConnect User Manual

Page 8

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2 - WiConnect User’s Manual

1. Review the Placement Guidelines section below.
2. Review the Placement Cautions section below.
3. Select a subwoofer placement location based on the placement cautions and guidelines.
4. Before you remove the subwoofer from the box, place the box near where you want to place the

subwoofer in your room. If you’ve already unpacked the subwoofer, move the subwoofer to where you

want it in the room.

NOTE: later, we’ll guide you to optionally adjust the location of the subwoofer for your listening


5. Go to the Box Contents section next.

The seating positions shown in the diagram above are general guidelines for most room types and aren’t

dependent on the subwoofer placement. Sitting closer to the front in a “boomy bass” room may sound better.

Sitting closer to the back of a “bass shy” room may sound better.

Subwoofer Placement Guidelines

ReFeR to the RecOmmended SInGle SUBWOOFeR PlAcemenT diagram above for general seating and

subwoofer placement guidelines.

PlAce in a cORneR (loudest) or within a FeW FeeT of a WAll (smoothest). AVOId locations FAR AWAy from

a WAll, clOSe to the ROOm cenTeR, By a dOOR, neAR a PARTIAl-HeIGHT WAll, or BeHInd SeATInG

ARRAnGemenTS. FAce the GRIlle TOWARdS the room’s main SeATInG location.

mAKe SURe:

• You can access the controls on the rear of the subwoofer.
• The included 6’ power cord for the subwoofer can safely reach a power outlet.

Subwoofer Placement Cautions

PlAce THe SUBWOOFeR cABIneT On A STABle, FlAT And leVel SURFAce. An uneven or unstable

surface can cause the subwoofer to tip over and cause injury or be damaged. Protruding objects from the

surface or an uneven surface could cause damage to the speaker cone on the bottom of the cabinet.

dO nOT cReATe A TRIP HAZARd WITH THe POWeR cORdS. Route power cables so that they cannot be

tripped on by persons walking in the room.

dO nOT BlOcK THe SOUnd PORT. The sound port is located in the back of the cabinet above the cable

connection sockets.

PlAce THe SUBWOOFeR On THe FlOOR. If the subwoofer is placed on a stand, bracket, tripod, table or

similar device, it could fall or be knocked over causing injury to persons or damage to the subwoofer and other
