Velodyne FSX-12 User Manual

Fsx-12 owner's manual

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Velodyne Acoustics, Inc.

1070 Commercial St. Suite #101

San Jose, CA 95112

408.436.7270 voice

408.436.7276 fax

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E-mail: [email protected]


Owner's Manual


Audio/Video Subwoofer System

Printed on recycled paper.

"If you know subwoofers, you know about Velodyne."


Corey Greenberg

Home Theater Technology/February 1995
Face Off: Comparison of five subwoofers

"... the clean, full, and extended quality of the F-1800R's bass caused me
to gasp with the recognition that I was finally listening to a real subwoofer."

"... our entire listening room swelled with solid, satisfying bass, as if both
musician and instrument were in the room."

"...scenes such as the pre-battle sequence in Braveheart ... may very well
have threatened the room's structural integrity had we not backed off the
volume a bit..."


Al Griffin

Home Theater/December 1996
Gear Guide

8-97, #63-FSX12