Software and cabinets update, 4software and cabinets update – Two Notes Reload User Manual
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Setting up Torpedo Wall of Sound
1. If the amplifier emulator embeds separate pre-amplifier and power-amplifier simulations: bypass
the speaker simulation AND the power-amplifier section of the amp emulator, and switch the
Torpedo Wall of Sound’s power-amp simulation on.
2. If it is not possible to bypass the power-amp simulation on the Amplifier emulator, switch off the
power amp on the Torpedo Wall of Sound plug-in.
The two cases can be summed up as follows:
Amplifier Emulator
Torpedo PI-101
Preamp status
Power Amp status
Speaker status
Power Amp status
Speaker status
Obviously, if the speaker simulation on the amplifier emulator cannot be bypassed, we do not
recommend using that simulation with Torpedo Wall of Sound.
Software and cabinets update
Every time you start a session using the Torpedo Wall of Sound plug-in, the plug-in will automatically
check for any newer version of the software and for a new license — if you buy new cabinets, for
instance. Every time an update is available form the Two Notes website, the plug-in will show a
window where you will have the choice to install the new software and cabinets or to do so later.
That function requires that your computer be connected to the Internet. If you prefer not to have your
studio computer connected, simply check the Two Notes website or read the Two Notes newsletter
so you can be informed of the latest updates.
Two Notes Audio Engineering
Torpedo Reload