Start – Turning Technologies Triton Proctor User Manual

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Triton Data Collection System


What if I need to add a Participant that is not in my Participant List?

A Participant can only be added if Add Participant Allowed is set to Yes. This option can be found in the Blueprint
Overview. The Blueprint Overview will also determine if a new Participant can be added after the test has already

How to add a Participant...


While in the Exam Room, click Add Participant.


Enter the Participant information in the boxes provided and click Add.

What if I need to give a Participant extra time to take the exam?

Time can be added to an individual Participant but ONLY if it is a timed exam. The feature is not available after you click

How to add time to an individual Participant...


While in the Exam Room, double-click the box next to the Participant
in the Extra Minutes column.


Enter the time (in minutes) to be added in the box provided and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

Once a Participant sends a final exam, the application checks to determine if extra time has been added. When the
timer reaches zero, any time added will be applied to the ResponseCard. The extra time is only added If there is no
remaining time on the ResponseCard. If a Participant does a manual final send, the extra time will not be applied.


I clicked Start. Now what do I do?

Clicking Start allows the Participants to take the exam on the ResponseCards.

Instructions for Participants to take the exam...


You can now begin your exam.


You will begin on Question One. Simply press the letter/number on your keypad that corresponds to your answer


Press the NEXT button (right arrow) to move to the next question.


The bubbles on the top of the screen show you what question you are currently answering. An empty bubble shows
you that you have not answered that question. A filled/dark bubble shows you that you have answered the question.


Please begin.

What if I need to “swap out” a Participant ResponseCard?

A Participant’s ResponseCard may be exchanged for a new one in the event that the original ResponseCard