TK Audio DP1mk3 User Manual


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Dual Preamp

Hi-Z input: High impedance instrument input. Keep your monitorlevel down when inserting anything in the jack
to avoid loud pops.

Imp: Switchable input impedance. High / low, 1600ohm / 400ohm.(low when engaged)

48v: 48v phantom power.

-30dB: pads the signal -30dB.

For best signal to noise ratio, avoide the 30dB pad if not needed.

Gain: Input-range -80dB to -25dB / -50dB to +5dB with 30dB pad active.

HPF: 80Hz High pass filter with 12dB sloop

Germanium drive: When you select the germanium drive a small germanium amp is inserted after the
preampstage. For more color, select higher gain and back off a little with the output level control.

Headroom meter: This LED-meter is a headroom-meter and NOT a VU-meter. It is connected before the
output levelcontrol to show the available headroom even if you have lowered the outputlevel. With the level at
max the meter indicates clip at +26dB


Output: Output levelcontrol in front of the outputstage. Normally you just have to make a small adjustment to
trim the level between the 5dB gainsteps. That way you will keep the high headroom.

Phase: Reverses the polarity of the output..

Vintage class A: Activates the transformerbalanced class-A. Keep your monitorlevel down to avoid loud pops
when you switch between outputstages.

There is an internal jumper for chassis to audioground. First thing to check if you have hum!

Make sure that the DP1 get good ventilation as it run quite hot.

Revision 3 contains an updated version of the class A output transformer for a ”fatter” low-end. The power
supply is updated for slightly lower noise.