Thermionic Culture THE ROOSTER 2 2 Channel mic, pre amp with eq User Manual
Page 9

©Thermionic Culture Ltd., May 2014
2.13 O/P Level control
The ‘O/P Level’ control is a continuously variable
attenuator that controls the output level of The Rooster
2. A cleaner signal is obtained when the control is set
to maximum. Turning the output control down towards
minimum and driving the input of The Rooster 2
harder results in more distortion.
2.14 Off/48V
The Off/48V switches located at the right hand side of
The Rooster 2, control whether or not the 48V
phantom power is applied to the ‘Mic In’ XLRs. This
allows the use of phantom powered microphones.
Please ensure that these are switched to the ‘Off’
position when using ribbon microphones or
passive equalisers such as The Pullet.
2.15 Meters
The meters read the output level of The Rooster 2
after the ‘O/P Level’ control, serving as a basic
indication of the output level feeding the next piece of
equipment in the signal chain.
The nominal thresholds of each LED are as follows:-
Yellow -20dB
Green -4dB
Red +6dB