Thermionic Culture THE ROOSTER 2 2 Channel mic, pre amp with eq User Manual

Page 7

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©Thermionic Culture Ltd., May 2014


‘tips up’, giving an emphasis to lower frequencies and
this adds an impression of size to the bass end.


Mid/Hi Lift control

The ‘Mid/Hi Lift’ control gives continuously variable
adjustment over the amount of mid or high frequency
boost applied to the signal. The ‘2.5k/4k/Hi’ switch,
described next, determines the actual frequency range
being lifted.

2.7 2.5k/4k/Hi


This switch provides the user with a very broad lift at
2.5 & 4kHz (highest peak frequencies) with some top
lift as well and a ‘vari slope’ shelving type curve on the
‘hi’ setting. At maximum boost the peak point for the
‘hi’ setting will be 10kHz.


Mid Cut control

The ‘mid cut’ control gives continuously variable
adjustment over the amount of mid range frequencies
being cut from the signal. The curve used is a bell
shape curve that becomes sharper as more cut is
applied. The centre of the curve is at 700Hz.


Bass Cut switch

The ‘Bass Cut’ switch is a stepped control with the
following options available :-


0 Flat response;


1 High pass filter operating below 30Hz;


2 6dB per octave curve, 3dB down at 120Hz;


3 6dB per octave curve, 3dB down at 350Hz;


4 Shelving curve, 3dB down at 800Hz;


5 Shelving curve, 3dB down at 3kHz

Positions 2-5 have a steeper cut below 30Hz.