Record 6 tracks from one mic at the same time – Summit Audio ECS-410 Everest Channel Strip User Manual

Page 38

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Summit Audio, Inc.

Tips and Tricks

Record 6 Tracks from one Mic at the same time

Record safety tracks and tracks at different stages of processing so
processing choices can be changed later.

TouchPatch Pre-Comp-EQ-DriveBus


Plug a microphone into the preamp and set up accordingly


Set up EQ, compression, and the DriveBus for the sound you


want from the master output.
Use both the +4 and -10dB outputs from the preamp section


into the recording device. This gives you a totally unpro-
cessed preamp signal. The -10dB is a ‘safety track’ in case
the mic overloads.
Run the XLR output from the Dynamics section to the recorder,


giving you the preamplified, compressed signal with no EQ
or DriveBus sound.
Run the XLR output from the EQ section to the recorder,


giving you the preamplified, compressed, EQed signal with
no DriveBus sound.
Run both the +4dB and -10dB output from the DriveBus to


the recorder for the ‘master’ output, as well as a lower level
‘safety track’.