SpectraCal CalMAN Eyeglass User Manual
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The following CalMAN Eyeglass screen opens:
Figure 1: The default CalMAN Eyeglass window, before a 3D LUT or image file is loaded.
Following is a description of how to use the CalMAN Eyeglass controls to visualize the effects of a
corrective or creative LUT on your selected image.
Load LUT
Click the “Load 3DL/3DX” button to load a .3dl or .3dx format 3D LUT file. The LUT file can be a
corrective LUT or a creative ‘look’ LUT in the standard .3dl format.
Note: A LUT file with the .3dx format is a virtual LUT file created in CalMAN ColorChecker. The .3dx file
can be used only in CalMAN Eyeglass to visualize the display correction that would be produced with a
standard CalMAN 3D LUT.
Load Image
Click the “Load Image” button to load an image file. The image file format can be jpg, bmp, png or gif.
You should load image content or family photos that are familiar to you.
View Original Image
Click the “Original” tab to view the loaded image in its original, unprocessed form.
View LUT Processed Image
Click the “3D LUT Processed” tab to view the loaded image, as processed through the loaded LUT.