SpectraCal CalMAN Eyeglass User Manual
Calman eyeglass operation

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CalMAN Eyeglass
3D LUT Visualization Tool
Quick Start Guide
CalMAN Eyeglass allows you to view still image files on an RGB computer monitor or laptop screen, both
with and without the effects of a corrective LUT or look LUT. With the CalMAN Eyeglass 3D LUT
Visualization Tool, you can:
Visualize the benefits of a corrective 3D LUT that was created for the particular monitor under
View color-corrected images on a laptop screen or connected RGB monitor.
Eyeglass can load a standard .3dl corrective 3D LUT file that was created by any version of CalMAN. It
can also load a .3dx virtual LUT file that was created by CalMAN ColorChecker. ColorChecker is a free
display analysis program that can also create a virtual 3D LUT, to check how well the display could
perform with a corrective 3D LUT.
CalMAN Eyeglass is automatically installed with CalMAN ColorChecker and with all CalMAN calibration
software that is capable of creating 3D LUTs for display calibration. CalMAN Eyeglass runs in the
Windows operating system on which the CalMAN calibration software is installed.
CalMAN Eyeglass
Quick Start Guide (this file):
CalMAN ColorChecker
Quick Start Guide:
Required CalMAN Software Version:
Version 5.4.0 or later
CalMAN Eyeglass Operation
To open CalMAN Eyeglass in Windows:
1. Go to Start, All Programs, SpectraCal, CalMAN Eyeglass.
2. Open the “CalMAN Eyeglass” program.
1. Navigate to the “C:\Program Files\SpectraCal\CalMAN 5 for Business” directory
2. Run the “CalMAN Eyeglass.exe” file.