ROHO Hybrid Elit cushion User Manual
Page 7

NOTE: DO NOT sit on an improperly inflated cushion insert. Doing so reduces or eliminates the
cushion’s benefits and could increase risk to the skin and other soft tissue.
*Dual Compartment Cushion Inserts: Dual compartment
cushion inserts may be used for side-to-side positioning. To
maximize the positioning benefits for individuals with a pelvic
obliquity, the side with the deepest bony prominence must be
adjusted first. Once both adjustments are made, recheck each
compartment to ensure proper adjustment.
NOTE: For demonstration purposes, cover not shown. Product must be used with a Hybrid Elite cover.
STEP 1: Place Hybrid Elite in
wheelchair seat so the user will be
properly supported and immersed when
in their normal sitting position. Use the
directional patch on the right side of the
cover as a guide. (Location of patch
shown in step 4.)
STEP 2: Turn valve counterclockwise
to open. Slide the pump’s rubber
nozzle over a valve and inflate the
cushion insert until it begins to
slightly arch upward.
STEP 3: Pinch the pump’s nozzle
and turn valve
clockwise to close.
Remove pump.
(Repeat steps 2 and 3 for
remaining air valve on dual valve
cushion inserts.)
STEP 4: Have the user sit on the
cushion, making sure the boniest
prominences are supported by the
air cells. Check to make sure the
cushion is properly sized to the
user and the wheelchair. Consult a
clinician as needed.
STEP 5: Slide hand between the
cushion and the user's bottom.
Lift the user’s leg slightly and feel
for the lowest bony prominence*.
Then lower the user’s leg to a
sitting position.
STEP 6: Turn valve counterclockwise
to let out air, while keeping hand under
the user's lowest bony prominence*.
Release air until finger tips barely
move – The cushion is most
effective when there is 1/2 inch
(1.25 cm) to 1 inch (2.5 cm) of air
maintained between the cushion
insert and the user’s lowest bony
prominence. Turn valve
to close.
(Repeat steps 5 and 6 for remaining
air valve on dual valve cushion