Preface, Scope, Head seal modification – Parr Instrument 1108R User Manual
Page 3: Related instructions, Customer service, 1108r oxygen combustion vessel
w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m
1108R Oxygen Combustion Vessel
These instructions cover the procedures to be fol-
lowed when using a Parr 1108R Oxygen Combustion
Vessel to determine calorific values of solid or liquid
combustible material in a Parr calorimeter, or when
using an 1108R in a 1901 Oxygen Vessel Apparatus
to prepare solid or liquid samples for chemical
analysis. The user should study these instructions
carefully in order to obtain a complete understand-
ing of the capabilities and limitations of an 1108R,
and to be well aware of the precautions to be ob-
served in its operation. Calorimeter operations and
the operation of various oxygen vessel accessories
are described in separate instruction manuals listed
below, copies of which are available upon request.
Note About Nomenclature:
Historically, burning a sample enclosed
in a high pressure oxygen environment is
known as Oxygen Bomb Calorimetry and
the vessel containing the sample is known
as an Oxygen Bomb. The terms bomb and
vessel are used interchangeably.
Customer Service
Questions concerning the installation or operation of this instrument
can be answered by the Parr Customer Service Department:
1-309-762-7716 • 1-800-872-7720 • Fax: 1-309-762-9453
E-mail: [email protected] •
Head Seal Modification
The 1108R differs from the standard 1108 series
oxygen combustion vessel in that the head seals
using a quad ring rather than an o-ring. To insure
proper compression of the quad ring a separate con-
tact ring is used in conjunction with the screw cap.
Otherwise the head is similar to the one used in
the 1108P in that a wire is heated to ignite a cotton
thread that in turn ignites the sample.
This model is offered to users that have older
models incorporating this type of seal.
Related Instructions
Limited Warranty
Analytical Methods for Oxygen Bombs
Safety in the Operation of Laboratory
and Pressure Vessels
Introduction to Bomb Calorimetry