Step 13 – ParkZone PKZ1400 User Manual

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Step 13


Your Super Decathlon comes with a specially designed

receiver/ESC unit that allows you great flexibility. There

are three jumpers that are located in the receiver that

can be changed (added/removed) that allow you make

changes (if you so choose) from the stock configuration

that your Super Decathlon comes in.

Jumper 1- Mix of Elevator and Rudder:

You can add the jumper to utilize software that will allow

a slight mix of elevator and rudder. In this mode, when

rudder input is given, a slight amount of up elevator is

added. By doing this, the nose of the airplane will be

more likely to “stay up” when rudder input is given. This

can be of great help to pilots that are transitioning from 2

to 3 channel aircraft and are not used to pitch control.

Jumper 2 - V-Tail/Standard Tail:

Tail control: Your Super Decathlon comes with the plane

set for conventional “T” tail control. If you remove the

jumper, you will switch the control to “V” tail function.

This would allow you to transfer the radio system to a “V”

tailed aircraft, such as the ParkZone™ Slo-V™, or elevon

equipped aircraft such as the ParkZone™ F-27 Stryker™.

Jumper 3 - Auto Cutoff:

Auto Cut-Off: Your Super Decathlon comes with the

jumper included in the third port. This sets the auto cut-

off to function with 6-8 cell Ni-MH battery packs. If you

remove the jumper, the auto cut-off will function with a 9

cell Ni-MH battery pack or a 3S LiPo battery pack.
When your Super Decathlon goes into auto cut-off,

prepare to land immediately. You will maintain control of

steering and pitch, but not have access to throttle at this

time. You can “blip” the throttle to try to re-arm, but only

attempt this once as you are preparing to land.

Functions of RX Jumpers

Jumper Present

Jumper Absent

Jumper 1

* Flight Trak On

Flight Trak Off

Jumper 2

“T” tail control (Decathlon) “V” tail control

Jumper 3

6–8 cell Ni-MH

9-cell Ni-MH/3S LiPo

* Flight Trak gives some up elevator when directional input (rudder) is given. This helps hold the nose up during turns

for those pilots that are transitioning to using a 3 channel radio system.

Note: Default positions of jumpers of Super Decathlon are shown above in bold italics.



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Jumper 1

Jumper 3

Jumper 2