Mossberg 46 CENTERFIRE User Manual
Page 8

Follow the instructions and use the equipment provided in a quality gun cleaning
To clean the barrel, moisten the correct caliber (caliber is inscribed on the barrel)
brass cleaning brush with solvent and insert it into the barrel. Scrub the barrel
several times. The barrel may be cleaned from breech to muzzle by using flexible
rods, inserted through the ejection port. If rigid rods are used, the barrel must be
cleaned muzzle to breech. Care must be taken not to damage the muzzle.
Use the correct caliber cleaning rod with a clean cloth patch to wipe the bore dry.
Repeat several times, using a new patch each time, until barrel is clean and
shows no signs of residue. A final pass with a lightly oiled patch will provide a
protective coating.
Make sure the barrel is free of obstructions and excessive lubricant after
cleaning. Be sure not to leave cleaning patches or excessive oil or
grease in the bore as they can create dangerous obstructions.
Obstructions of any kind can cause damage to the firearm and may
result in serious personal injury to the shooter and/or others nearby.
Apply a few small drops of oil on the following surfaces (Fig. 4):
a. Along the Bolt surface.
b. On each side of the vertical Locking Bolt Assembly.
c. Along the Bolt Rail surfaces.
d. Link Pivot Pin.
e. Finger Lever Link Pin
Fig. 4
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