Basic setup, Quick arrow rest and nock placement, Measuring draw length – Martin Archery Compound Bow User Manual

Page 3: Arrow speed and string accessories, Changing draw weight, Replacing the strings

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Your new Martin bow takes little setup to get started shooting. Please read and fa-
miliarize yourself with these starting procedures before shooting. Many of these
p r o c e d u r e s m a y h a v e b e e n c o m p l e t e d b y y o u r a u t h o r i z e d M a r t i n d e a l e r . A f t e r
completing these simple steps, you will be more accurate and will have greater success
from the start. A careful and thorough initial setup will make the tuning process much easier.

Quick Arrow Rest and Nock Placement

You can quickly and easily set the position of your rest and nock
point using the rest mount holes in your bow. Your rest should sit level
with the two rest mount holes, or lock mount of your bow. (See graphic)
When the rest placement is correct, you can begin placing the nock set.
Place a nock loosely on the string and nock an arrow. Visually align the
arrow level with or slightly tail high of the rest mount holes.
When the correct height is set, crimp the nock set into place.
This will give you a good starting point to begin tuning your bow.

Measuring Draw Length

When your bow is at full draw, the apex of the

string should be near the corner of your mouth.

Draw length can easily be measured from the apex

of the string at full draw to the pivot point of the grip.

From that measurement add 1 ¾” and you will have

the A.M.O. standard draw length. All Martin Bows are

adjustable with the use of modules. Refer to the sec-

tion that covers your specific cam style for instruc-

tions on adjusting draw length.

Arrow Speed and String Accessories

Certain bowstring accessories including D-loops, string silencers, and peep sights, can reduce

arrow speed by as much 10-15 fps.

Changing Draw Weight

Martin bows have a fifteen pound draw weight range. Using a 3/16” allen wrench ; you will turn

the limb bolts clockwise to add weight and turn counter clockwise to reduce weight. One complete

turn on each limb bolt provides about 3 pounds of adjustment.

TIP: Mark a line on each limb bolt in white-out or white paint marker to make it easier to keep

track of how far you are turning each bolt.

Note: Do not shoot your bow with the limb bolts more than 5 turns out from the riser.

Replacing The Strings

Should your string need replacing, it is best to go to your Martin dealer and have it done by

experts. Always be sure that the string you replace it with is of the correct length and material

for your bow. We recommend using Martin Hammerhead bow strings. String wear is not covered

by warranty


Basic Setup