Laerdal Nursing Kelly (SimPad Capable) User Manual
Page 6

Nursing Kelly
IV Arm
Multiple Venipuncture sites:
Multiple Venipuncture sites:
• Dorsal Veins of Hand (3)
• Antecubital
- Cephalic Vein
- Median Vein
- Basilic Vein
A 22 gauge needle or smaller is recommended to extend
the life of the IV Arm .
When using an IV catheter, lubricate with manikin lubricant
for easier insertion .
Directions for Use:
1 . Attach IV bag to IV tubing .
2 . Attach IV tubing to either latex vein .
3 . Allow fluid to flow through arm and out other latex vein .
4 . Clamp off flow of water from open vein .
The arm is now ready to practice venipuncture .
When excessive leaking occurs at puncture sites, a new skin and vein
system should be installed to reduce loss of fluid .
We recommend working at a sink when replacing
the skin and vein system .
Replacing Skin and Veins
Remove skin:
Cut off skin . This can be done with a sharp knife, scalpel or scissors .
(Figure 3)
When finished, discard skin, but keep thumb insert.
Replacing veins:
1 . Remove tubing from track in mandrel .
2 . Rinse and dry vein grooves well and swab with alcohol . Remove any
excess glue .
3 . Place new veins along grooves, (Figure 4) spot gluing as needed .
(We recommend a fast-drying glue .)
Replacing skin:
1 . Add thumb insert to new arm skin . Use a generous amount of talcum
powder on arm mandrel and on inside of arm skin to aid in the insertion
of the mandrel into the skin .
2 . Slide hand into skin . (Photo 3)
3 . Work skin over fingers, as with a glove . (Photo 4)
4 . Work arm skin up, over mandrel . (Photos 5 & 6)
SimPad Connection
1 . Connect Nursing Kelly to Link Box via cable located on back of manikin
(Photo 7) . For some manikins the adapter cable supplied with SimPad
System may have to be used .
2 . Connect clear tubing exiting the manikin together with the cable .
Figure 3
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7
Figure 4