Q-cpr, Review – Laerdal CPRmeter User Manual
Page 16

When a microSD™ memory card has been
inserted into the CPRmeter prior to use, data
from CPR events are stored on the card. The
data can only be viewed on a PC with the
Laerdal Q-CPR Review software program,
version 3.1 or newer, installed.
Q-CPR Review software is available for download
by visiting: www.laerdal.com/downloads
To transfer CPRmeter data to a PC with a SD™ memory card reader:
1. Remove the microSD™ card from the CPRmeter and insert it into the
provided SD™ card adapter.
2. Insert the SD™ card adapter into the SD™ card reader.
3. Start the Q-CPR Review software on the PC and follow instructions.
Remember to re-insert a microSD™ card into the
CPRmeter before further CPR event data recording.
If the ’remove memory card’ symbol is shown
on the CPRmeter display, the memory card is
full and should be replaced to prevent data from
subsequent CPR events from being lost.
The CPRmeter’s compression feedback and Q-CPR Quick Review features
will function as normal even if the memory card is full.