Labconco Protector Filtered Glove Box User Manual
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Chapter 4: Performance Features and Safety Precautions
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13. The surface of the HEPA or ULPA filter is fragile and should not be
touched. Care must be taken to avoid puncturing the filter during
installation or normal operation. If you suspect that a filter has been
damaged DO NOT use the glove box; contact a local certification
agency or Safety Officer.
14. The filters in the glove box will gradually accumulate airborne
particulate matter from the room and from work performed in the
glove box. The rate of accumulation will depend upon the cleanliness
of the room air, the amount of time the glove box is operating and the
nature of work being done in the glove box. With normal usage, the
filters will last two to five years before requiring replacement (see
Chapter 6).
15. Ensure that the filtered glove box is connected to an electrical service
in accordance with local and national electrical codes. Failure to do
so may create a fire or electrical hazard. Do not remove or service
any electrical components without first disconnecting the glove box
from electrical service.
16. Used HEPA or ULPA filters may be hazardous waste. The user is
responsible for recording chemicals used and disposal of used filters.
17. Ensure only trained operators use the glove box. New users must
review the User’s Manual with emphasis on Routine Daily Work
Procedures in Chapter 5 and become familiar with the safe operation
of the glove box.
18. Only powders and particulates removed by HEPA or ULPA filters are
appropriate for use in this glove box. Vapors and other gases should be
exhausted to the outside or adsorbed with the use of an accessory
FilterMate Portable Exhauster equipped with carbon filters. See Chapter 7.
19. Leave the impeller on for at least 5-10 minutes at 50%-100% speed
after work in the glove box has been completed to purge the interior
of containments.
20. If a chemical, powder or particulates are spilled on the work surface,
DO NOT switch off the blower until all traces have been removed.
21. Tag glove box with appropriate warning if filters have been removed
or the glove box requires servicing.
22. If the blower fails during use, processes should cease and the area
should be vacated. Inform your Safety Officer immediately.
23. Consult your Safety Officer before removing any tubing that monitors
pressure and airflow or exhaust hoses as they may be contaminated.