Labconco Dry Ice Benchtop Freeze Dry System 7522700 User Manual
Labconco Accessories for water

Instruction Sheet 7523200, Rev A C639
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LABCONCO CORPORATION 8811 Prospect Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132
(816) 333-8811, Fax (816) 363-0130, (800) 821-5525
Labconco Dry Ice Benchtop Freeze Dry Chamber 7522700
For the laboratory with occasional lyophilization requirements, the Dry Ice Benchtop Freeze Dry
System provides a simple, economical and reliable means of freeze-drying. The Dry Ice
Benchtop Freeze Dry System is equipped with a center well for dry ice and solvent, which serves
as a water vapor condenser and doubles as a convenient pre-freezing bath. Flasks, serum bottles
and ampules may be pre-frozen by rotating them in the well.
The Dry Ice Benchtop Freeze Dry System is ideal for processing material with low eutectic
points since dry ice cools alcohol or other heat transfer solutions to approximately –75°C
(-103°F). If your freeze dry needs are limited, the Dry Ice Freeze Dry System, coupled with a
vacuum pump, vacuum gauge, tubing and glassware is an economical alternative.
Assembly of the System
In order to assemble an operation system the following equipment must be supplied by the user.
Vacuum pump capable of achieving a vacuum level of 10 x 10
Vacuum gauge
Vacuum tubing 1/2" inside diameter
Vacuum tubing 3/8" inside diameter
Attach the components together according to Figure 1 and clamp securely. For some non-critical
applications it may be possible to freeze dry satisfactorily if a vacuum gauge is not in the system.
If this system configuration is chosen, the port leading to the gauge must be plugged.