Frequently asked questions – Kipp&Zonen AMPBOX Amplifier User Manual
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Q: How can I adjust the gain of the AMPBOX.
A: You cannot. It needs to be done with a programmer connected to a PC using specific programming software. Kipp & Zonen
offices, the factory in Delft and some distributors have the necessary tools. Please send with the AMPBOX the model, serial
number and sensitivity of the radiometer that you wish to use with the AMPBOX.
Q: I have a solar simulator that starts at 500 W/m². Can the AMPBOX be setup for a 500 to 1500 W/m² configuration?
A: Yes. Please have this described on the order details.
Q: Inside the AMPBOX there is a terminal strip present. Can we use this to extend the wires from the temperature sensor?
A: Yes. The terminal strip can be used to extend any wires safely without amplifying them.
(It can be used as a high quality junction box).
Q: I already have an instrument from Kipp & Zonen and need an AMPBOX for it. How can I order one?
A: Order an adjusted version of the AMPBOX, and submit the instrument type, sensitivity and serial number. We will configure
the AMPBOX accordingly.
Q: I have connected the AMPBOX to the data logger but it is not measuring anything?
A: Please check if the data logger supplies the power for the current loop
(4 to 20 mA)
otherwise an additional power supply is required.
Q: Can I order the shunt resistors from Kipp & Zonen?
A: We only have the 500 R resistor available
(part number 2686-002)
suitable for a 2 to 10 V signal range, others should be purchased locally.
Q: How is the pyranometer configured?
A: Normally it is configured to supply 4 to 20 mA at 0 to 1600 W/m² input. This range is suitable for all measurements outdoors
under natural sunlight.
0 W/m² = 4 mA
400 W/m² = 8 mA
800 W/m² = 12 mA
1200 W/m² = 16 mA
1600 W/m² = 20 mA
Other measurement ranges can be configured, for example to suit solar simulator light sources.
Q: Why does a pyrgeometer start at -600 W/m²?
A: The output of a pyrgeometer is in most cases negative
(from -150 W/m² to 0 W/m² are common values)
6. Frequently asked questions