Heath Consultants Sure-Lock Utility Pro User Manual

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The Sure-Lock® Utility Pro is a state-of-the-art, 81KHz cable and pipe locator

locate underground utilities. The instrument’s dual microcomputers, fixed
frequency, automatic loading feature, and outstanding transmitter power output
make it especially effective for tracing a variety of conductors and for those
situations where a radio frequency locator increases the likelihood of success.
Virtually all buried utilities capable of signal conduction can be more accurately
and conveniently located with the Sure-Lock Utility Pro. It also has a power-sensing

power lines and cathodic protection systems. This manual will provide the operator
with information concerning the features, operation, and care of this instrument.

continuous, trouble-free operation for many years.

This manual will provide the operator with information concerning the features,
operation, and care of this instrument. The Sure-Lock has been designed to