Heath Consultants Odorator Propane User Manual

Page 11

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2. Connect the sample hose to the gas supply outlet valve and to the

ODORATOR inlet port (1).

3. Open the gas supply outlet valve and the ODORATOR flow metering

valve for about 10 seconds to purge the air out of the sample hose.

4. Close the flow metering valve.

5. Turn the ODORATOR “ON”. Raise the exhaust port cover.

6. Wait about 30 seconds and then position the nose about 3/4 inch (20

mm) above the exhaust port and sniff the exhaust. The exhaust must

be un-odorized.

7. Push the read switch (5) and while holding it down adjust the zero knob

(7) until the LCD reads “.00”. Release the read switch.

8. Slowly open the flow metering valve counter-clockwise 1/2 - 1 turn.

Wait about 30 seconds and then position the nose about 3/4 inch (20

mm) above the exhaust port and sniff the exhaust. Your upper lip may

lightly touch the front edge of the exhaust port.

9. If no odorant is detected in the exhaust, repeat step 8.


The user should frequently pause when sniffing for

odorant by moving the nose away from the instrument,

breathing fresh air and then continuing testing. This

precaution is necessary because the sense of smell

fatigues rapidly during this type of test.

10. The first faint smell of odorant is called the threshold detection level.

Considerable variation will exist among individuals in detecting this

threshold level.

11. Slowly open the flow metering valve another 1/2 - 1 turn, wait about

30 seconds and then position the nose about 3/4 inch (20 mm) above

the exhaust port and sniff the exhaust.