Hanna Instruments HI 38084 User Manual

Page 2

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The chemicals contained in this kit may be hazardous if
improperly handled. Read the relevant Health and Safety
Data Sheet before performing this test.



APHA, AWWA, WEF, Standard Methods, 20


edition, 1998.

P. Sequi, Chimica del suolo, Patron Editore, Ed. 1991.

• Fold a filter paper disc twice as shown in the figure.

• Separate one side from the other

three to form a cone.

• Place the folded filter disc into the funnel and wet it

with some drops of deionized water.

• Add into the cone 2 measures of the large (2 g) sample

cup and 1 measure of the small (1 g) cup of sieved soil
(full cups but discard the excess soil by using the spoon

• Every 30 minutes add 10

mL of potassium chloride
extractant solution to the
soil in the cone. Repeat
this operation 5 times.

• Then rinse the soil sample twice, at 30 minute inter-

vals, with 10 mL of deionized water. The extract is
collected in the beaker.

• Add 4 drops of Phenolphthalein Indicator to the extract

and swirl to mix.

• Fill the pipette with HI 38084C-0 Titration Reagent.

Add the titrant to the sample drop by drop, while
swirling and keeping an accurate count of the number

x 4

of drops being added to the solution.

• Keep adding the titrant until the pink color developed

does not disappear upon gently swirling (the solution
changes from colorless to pink).

• If necessary refill the pipette with titrant. Record the

number of drops needed to obtain the color change and
calculate the Total Exchangeable Acidity (TEA) as fol-

TEA (meq/100 grams of soil) = drops added/10

x 2

x 1