Hanna Instruments HI 93711 User Manual
Page 2

• Turn the meter on by pressing ON/OFF.
• When the LCD displays "- - -",
it is ready.
• Select free or total Chlorine by pressing FREE/TOTAL. An
"I" or a "C" will appear on the right corner to indicate
free or total chlorine, respectively.
• Fill the cuvet with 10 mL of
unreacted sample, up to the
mark, and replace the cap.
• Place the cuvet into the holder
and ensure that the notch on
the cap is positioned securely
into the groove.
• Press ZERO and "SIP" will appear on the display.
• Wait for a few seconds and
the display will show "-0.0-".
Now the meter is zeroed and
ready for measurement.
• Remove the cuvet
Powder reagents procedure
• Add the specific test reagent to the cuvet:
Free Chlorine: 1 packet of
Total Chlorine: 1 packet of
DPD Free Chlorine reagent
DPD Total Chlorine reagent.
• Replace the cap and shake
gently for 20 seconds (or 2
minutes in case of seawater
• Replace the cuvet into the
holder and ensure that the
notch on the cap is positioned
securely into the groove.
• Wait for 1 minute in case of Free Chlorine or 2 minutes
and 30’’ seconds in case of Total Chlorine and then
press READ. The display will show “SIP” during
• The instrument directly displays concentration in mg/L of
Free or Total Chlorine on the Liquid Crystal Display.
The instruction listed below should be carefully followed
during testing to ensure best accuracy.
• Do not touch the cuvet walls with hands.
• In order to maintain the same conditions during the
zeroing and the measuring phases, it is necessary to
close the cuvet to prevent any contamination.
• Do not let the test sample stand too long after reagent
is added or accuracy will be lost.
• Whenever the cuvet is placed into the measurement cell,
it must be completely free of fingerprints, oil or dirt.
Wipe it thoroughly with HI 731318 or a lint-free cloth
prior to insertion.
• It is important that the sample does not contain any
debris. This would corrupt the readings.
• It is possible to take multiple readings in a row, but it
is recommended that a zero reading be taken for each
sample and that the same cuvet is used for zeroing and
• It is important to discard the sample immediately after
the reading is taken because the glass might become
permanently stained.
Recommendations for Users
Before using these products, make sure that they are entirely suitable for the environ-
ment in which they are used. Operation of these instruments in residential area could
cause unacceptable interferences to radio and TV equipments, requiring the operator to
take all necessary steps to correct interferences. Any variation introduced by the user to
the supplied equipment may degrade the instruments' EMC performance.
To avoid damages or burns, do not perform any measurement in microwave ovens.
HI 93701-01 Reagents for 100 free chlorine tests (powder)
HI 93701-03 Reagents for 300 free chlorine tests (powder)
HI 93711-01 Reagents for 100 total chlorine tests (powder)
HI 93711-03 Reagents for 300 total chlorine tests (powder)
HI 93701-T Reagents for 300 chlorine tests (liquid)
HI 710009 Blue rubber boot
HI 710010 Orange rubber boot
HI 721310 9V battery (10 pcs)
HI 731318 Tissue for wiping cuvets (4 pcs)
HI 731321 Glass cuvets (4 pcs)
HI 731325 Caps for cuvets (4 pcs)
HI 93703-50 Cuvets cleaning solution (230 mL).
10 mL
Liquid reagents procedure
• To an empty cuvet add
3 drops of HI 93701A-T
DPD1 indicator, 3 drops
of HI 93701B-T DPD1 buffer
and only in case of Total
Chlorine measurement add
also 1 drop of HI 93701C
DPD solution. Swirl gently
to mix and immediately
add 10 mL of unreacted sample. Replace
the cap and shake gently again.
• Reinsert the cuvet into the
• Wait for 1 minute in case of Free Chlorine or 2 minutes
and 30’’ seconds in case of Total Chlorine and then
press READ. The display will show “SIP” during
x 3
x 3
x 1
• The instrument directly displays concentration in mg/L of
Free or Total Chlorine on the Liquid Crystal Display.
Note: free and total chlorine have to be measured sepa-
rately with fresh unreacted samples following the above
procedure if both values are requested.
Interference may be caused by:
Oxidized manganese and Chromium
Alkalinity above 250 mg/L or acidity above 150 mg/L will
not reliably develop the full amount of color or it may
rapidly fade. To resolve this, neutralize the sample with
diluted HCl or NaOH.
In case of water with hardness greater than 500 mg/L
, shake the sample for approximately 1 minute after
adding the powder reagent.
• Shaking the cuvet can generate bubbles in the sample,
causing higher readings. To obtain accurate measure-
ments, remove such bubbles by swirling or by gently
tapping the vial.
• All the reaction times reported in this manual are referred
to 20°C (68°F). As a general rule of thumb, they should be
doubled at 10°C (50°F) and halved at 30°C (86°F).