Hanna Instruments HI 8666 User Manual

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Hanna relative humidity transmitter are precalibrated at the
factory, using state-of-the-art thermal humidity chambers.
It is generally recommended to have the RH transmitter
recalibrated at least once a year. For an accurate annual
recalibration, contact the nearest Hanna Service Center.
The user can check the calibration status of the transmitter by
using the HI 7102 Hanna calibration chamber.
The kit includes two thermally isolated chambers, each one
equipped with a threaded cap and three bottles containing
the appropriate precalibrated saturated salts to create a
known RH value.
This checking procedure is to verify that the meter still meets
the electrical calibration specifications of the factory.


• Pour approximately 26 cc of distilled

water into a glass container.

• Immerse this container into a bath of

ice and water and shake briefly.

• Slowly add the contents of a HI 7111

bottle containing LiCl into the glass
container while continuing to shake.

• When the salt has dissolved completely,

add the content of the second bottle of
HI 7111.

• Allow the solution to cool, and then

pour it into the chamber marked "RH
11.1%", making sure that no residue
remains on the walls of the glass con-

• Seal the chamber well when not in use, as the LiCl

solution is extremely hygroscopic and tends to capture the
humidity of the air causing the solution to expand and to
overflow the container.

The RH and °C value will be proportional to the current
output signal (mA) according to the relation:

RH = (mA - 4) x 100/16

°C = (mA - 8) x 80/16

• Pour approximately 12 cc of distilled

water into the other chamber marked
"RH 75.4%".

• Add the contents of the HI 7121 bottle

containing NaCl while continuously shak-
ing the container to avoid the formation
of lumps. Seal this container well when
not in use.

• The calibration kit needs approximately

4 hours for stabilization.


• Bring the calibration kit to a temperature of approxi-

mately 20°C.

• Remove the sintered cap from

the sensor of HI 8666.

• Connect the unit to the power supply and hook up a

multimeter (range of 20 mA) in series with the circuit.

• Remove the cap from the "RH 11.1%"

chamber containing the LiCl solution
and insert the HI 8666 while paying
attention not to dip it into the liquid.

• Wait for the measurement to stabilize

(this will take approximately 4 hours).

• Look at the multimeter display: the reading should be

5.78 mA, representing the theoretical chamber value of
11.1% RH.

• Remove the HI 8666 from the chamber and tightly seal

the chamber containing the LiCl solution.

• Remove the cap from the "RH 75.4%"

chamber containing the NaCl solution
and insert the HI 8666.

• Wait for the measurement to stabilize

(approximately 4 hours)

• With the probe inserted in the "RH 75.4%" chamber, the

multimeter reading should be 16.06 mA: this represents
the theoretical chamber value of 75.4% RH.

• The relative humidity calibration checking procedure is


If the theoretical values are not within ±5%, contact your
dealer or the nearest Hanna Service Center for an accurate


Recommendations for Users
Before using this product, make sure that it is entirely suitable for the environment in
which they are used.
Operation of this instrument in residential areas could cause unacceptable interferences to
radio and TV equipment.
During operation, ESD wrist straps should be worn to avoid possible damage to the probe by
electrostatic discharges.
Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may degrade the instrument’s
EMC performance.
To avoid electrical shock, do not use these instruments when voltages at the measurement surface
exceed 24 Vac or 60 Vdc.
To avoid damages or burns, do not perform any measurement in microwave ovens.

IST8666R2 06/05


HI 710011

Sintered cap for RH probe

HI 7102

RH calibration chamber, complete with pre-
calibrated saturated salts

HI 7111/P

Spare saturation LiCl salts for low range hu-
midity calibration (15 g, 6 pcs)

HI 7121/P

Spare saturation NaCl salts for high range
humidity calibration (33 g, 6 pcs)