Gryphon Kalliope User Manual
Page 8

carefully laid out in order
to achieve superior sonic
performance with no loss
of stability. Component
layout has been designed
to ensure the shortest con-
ceivable signal path.
Exhaustive investigation
underlies the selection of
every component part
and many original, propri-
etary components are
custom-built exclusively
for Gryphon. Because
what is left out is just as
important as what goes in,
an absolute minimum of
internal wiring is includ-
By lavishing attention on
each aspect of the circuit
and fully understanding
the purpose and behavior
of every single part of the
whole, our designers can
optimize performance in
each section, before mov-
ing on to the next step.
This ensures simplicity, a
short signal path and a
unity of purpose with a
s i n g l e , w e l l - d e f i n e d
objective: musical purity.
In the interest of ultimate
fidelity, tone controls, bal-
ance controls and other
unnecessary components
have been banished from
the signal path.
Exterior Design
From the very beginning,
every Gryphon product
has offered stunning
audio performance,
sumptuous styling and
superb user-friendliness,
catering to the needs of
the discerning audiophile
who demands musicality,
convenience and aesthet-
ics, all without compro-
In every Gryphon prod-
uct, form follows function
in a unique synthesis of
aesthetics and practicali-
ty. Gryphon stands for
sophisticated technology
with a high standard of
industrial finish that also
incorporates the best of
The peerless finish, build
quality, ergonomics and
pride of ownership that
contribute to the totality of
the Gryphon concept can
only be fully understood
and appreciated up close
and in person.
Rasmussen’s background
in fine arts and industrial
design gives every
Gryphon product a dis-
tinctive, luxuriant finish
which arises organically
out of the audio circuit
design and the user inter-
face for a truly unique
integration of form and
Manufacture and
At our laboratories and
manufacturing facilities in
Denmark, we maintain full
control over every aspect
of development and pro-
duction, and the members
of our conscientious staff
diligently follow each
Gryphon model from ini-
tial concept to early proto-
type, through to final qual-
ity control.