Gryphon Kalliope User Manual
Page 6

every Gryphon design
has been built to cruise
effortlessly through even
the most demanding
musical passages, regard-
less of volume level, with a
musical presentation
defined by supreme artic-
ulation and immediacy,
subtle dynamic shading
and razor-sharp focus.
Refinement and delicacy
are combined with power
and authority for a natural,
involving listening expe-
The Gryphon Master
Tape Collection
In the Gryphon listening
rooms, we are fortunate to
possess a unique library
of more than 1,000 origi-
nal master tapes of
recordings made during
the Golden Age of studio
engineering from 1956-
Unlike conventional com-
mercial releases, our mas-
ter tapes capture the
dynamic contrasts and
subtle inner harmonic
structure of the musical
event, forcing us to work
to a higher standard in our
efforts to maintain the
integrity of the original
musical performance.
Design Principles
With state of the art tech-
nical equipment and some
of the finest minds in the
audio engineering field at
our disposal, the Gryphon
brand name continues to
define the highest audio-
phile standards of subjec-
tive and technical per-
The dual mono configura-
tion radically eliminates
any possibility of crosstalk
or other interference
between channels and
provides infinite channel
separation which con-
tributes to the ability to
create space, focus, depth
and transparency.
Because the electrical
power coming out of your
wall fluctuates wildly in
terms of voltage and dis-
tortion, Gryphon incorpo-
rates heavily regulated
multi-stage power sup-
plies that act as effective
mains conditioning filters.
Displays and control cir-
cuits are fed by a separate
power supply to isolate
any digital noise artifacts
and effectively prevent
them from contaminating
the signal path.
While the printed circuit
boards in more conven-
tional audio products uti-
lize conductor tracks a
mere 35 um thick,
Gryphon employs at least
70 um traces of the high-
est purity.
Beginning with our very
first product, “The Head
Amp” all Gryphon prod-
ucts have featured
extremely wide frequency
bandwidth, because the
ability to reproduce ultra-
sonic frequencies with no
difficulty ensures linear
phase across the audible
frequency range.