Circuit topology, Class a – Gryphon Antileon Signature Mono User Manual
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Circuit Topology
Power is the name of the game
and the Antileon is equipped to
take on even the most vicius and
nightmarish of speaker loads.
The output section uses Sanken
bipolar output devices which
have demonstrated extreme reli-
ability in addition to outstanding
sonic performance. These tran-
sistors can be called upon to
deliver momentary peak power
of 4,000 watts per channel with-
out overload. Each of the 40
transistors is bypassed with indi-
vidual film capacitors. The sepa-
rate driver section has its own
supply from individual windings
on the custom-made toroidal
transformers. Unique mechani-
cal design ensures optimal ther-
mal tracking between drivers
and output devices. The driver
section features its own gener-
ous bank of proprietary Gryphon
The power capacitor bank is an
astounding 400,000 uF array of
Negative feedback is minimal
and DC coupling employs DC
servo circuitry. Internal wiring in
the signal path is kept to an
absolute minimum. The input
wiring is Gryphon Guideline
Reference gold-embedded silver
cable. Only balanced inputs are
Unique even in this price range,
the Gryphon Antileon utilizes a
completely independent trans-
former and power supply for dis-
play and control circuits, effec-
tively preventing digital noise
generated by these circuits from
reaching the amplifier circuits.
Gryphon proprietary speaker ter-
minals accept bare wire, spade
lugs, banana connectors or any
Because of the considerable
power consumption inherent in a
Class A design, the Gryphon
Antileon constantly monitors AC
voltage status. Variations
caused by heavy industry in the
daytime may also be registrered
by the display.
Class A
True Class A operation has
always been a Gryphon bench-
mark, simply because nothing in
our experience can match the
sonic glories of pure Class A.
Unfortunately, true Class A is
even rarer today than when we
introduced the DM100. Rising
consumer awareness has forced
some manufacturers to stop
making outrageous unsubstanti-
ated claims of Class A power rat-
ings that only exist in the fevered
imagination of some marketing
Still, there is a growing number
of so-called "new" Class A
topologies based on automatic
biasing which, simply explained,
somehow allow the amplifier to