Antileon signature, Sonic excellence – Gryphon Antileon Signature Mono User Manual

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User Guide & Introduction


*Fully balanced circuit
175 Watts per channel Pure
Class A
*40 High current bipolar output

µF power capacitor

*Flat frequency response to
beyond 350 kHz
*Minimum negative feedback
*No output relays
*User-programmable Green
Class A bias
*DC servo coupling
*Frequency-independent damp-
ing factor
*Rigid mechanical structure
*Microprocessor controlled,
non-invasive “smart” protection
*Upgradeable software.
*Double sealed, mil spec PCB
with 105

µm copper trace

*Integrated service log.

Sonic excellence

The Antileon impresses immedi-
ately with its ability to cruise
effortlessly through even the
most demanding musical pas-
sages, regardless of volume
level. As a result of the constant
high power reserves available at
all times, the amplifier simply
does not "see" the speaker, so
the speaker's reactive load can-
not degrade amplifier perform-
ance. Unlike other high power
amplifiers, Gryphon's no com-
promise pure Class A topology
allows the Antileon to offer high
power as well as refinement and
delicacy in musical presenta-
sion. It is our fundamental phi-
losophy that all electronics in the
playback chain must ideally be
neutral and not add or subtract
anything from the recording no
matter how "attractive" such dis-
tortions may be. The Antileon is
by nature a product for the fortu-
nate few who can afford such a
statement, just as it is a product
for the increasing number of
audiophiles who seek purity in
the reproduction of music, a
product for the music lover who
respects both the musicians and
recording engineers enough to
refrain from adding or subtract-
ing anything in relation to the
original intention of the record-