Troubleshooting, Service – GoldenEar SuperSat Series User Manual
Page 13

GoldenEar Technology
SuperSat Series Manual
HOME THEATER SYSTEM BASS MANAGEMENT SETTINGS: On your Home Theater receiver or A/V processor’s
Speaker Setup Menu, all channels using SuperSat speakers should be set to “Small.” See the chart below
for the recommended crossover settings for channels using the indicated SuperSat speaker model in the
specifi ed system confi guration.
Confi guration Recommended Crossover Setting
SuperSat 50/50C
SuperCinema 50
100 Hz
SuperSat 60/60C
SuperCinema 60
100 Hz
SuperSat 50C/60C
TritonCinema Center
100–120 Hz*
* For maximum system playback levels select 120 Hz
SETTING CHANNEL LEVELS: On your receiver or A/V processor’s Speaker Level Calibration Menu, set each speaker
(channel) in the system to the same volume level. While you can get reasonable results doing this by ear, it is best
to use an inexpensive Sound Pressure (SPL) meter to get better channel to channel balance. Some new receivers
and processors have Auto Set Up functions that use a supplied microphone to set levels automatically.
If you experience any diffi culties with your SuperSat speakers, try the suggestions described below. If you are still
having problems, please consult your GoldenEar Technology Authorized Dealer for assistance.
1. Make sure all your system interconnects and power cords are solidly in place.
2. Check that no foreign objects or liquid has entered the speaker.
3. If no sound comes out or the sound is distorted in some way and you are sure the system is set up
properly, please bring the speaker to your GoldenEar Technology Authorized Dealer for assistance.
But make sure you Call First.
Service and warranty work on your GoldenEar loudspeakers will normally be performed by your local GoldenEar
Technology dealer. If, however, you wish to return the speaker to us, please contact us fi rst, describing the
problem and requesting authorization as well as the location of the nearest factory service center.
Please note that the address given in this booklet is the address of our offi ce P.O. Box only. Under no
circumstances should products or parts be shipped to our offi ces or returned without contacting us fi rst and
obtaining return authorization.
GoldenEar Technology Offi ces
P.O. Box 141
Stevenson, Maryland 21153
Phone: 410-998-9134