ENMET Ozone Generator User Manual

Page 8

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ENMET Corporation






Check for Leakage:

a) Insert an unused sealed detector tube in the pump inlet; do not break the tips.
b) Line up the guide marks (red dots) on the pump shaft and stopper, and pull the handle back all the way.

It locks automatically.

c) Wait exactly two minutes; then release the pump handle with a 0ne-quarter turn.
d) When the handle is released, the piston should spring back all the way to 0cc.


If it does not, the pump is not leak-tight, and the amount of leakage is indicated by the position of the handle as

it comes to rest.


If there is more than 5cc of leakage in two minutes, the accuracy of any concentration determination will be

subject to error. Do not use the pump until this is corrected.

a) Insert tube

b) Pull handle all the way

c) unlock handle

Figure 3: Gas Detector Tube Pump

Correction of Pump Leakage

If excessive leakage is found, it usually takes place either at the pump inlet, or between the piston & cylinder walls.
The latter source of leakage is much less likely than the former.
Leakage between piston & cylinder can usually be eliminated simply by cleaning and re-lubricating.
Leakage at the inlet may result from a poor seal between the detector tube and the rubber inlet tip, or between the
flange of the rubber inlet tip and the pump body.
To check for leakage at the tip:


Carefully reposition the sealed detector tube or replace it with another one, and repeat steps a – c leak check.


If the leakage persists, it is probably at the flange-body interface, and simply tightening down the inlet clamping

may suffice to eliminate it.


If tightening the clamp does not work, remove the rubber inlet and examine it for cracks and/or foreign matter on

its sealing surface.


If it is clean and undamaged, replace it in the pump inlet, and repeat the leak test.


If necessary, replace a worn rubber inlet with a fresh one.

Figure 4: Cutaway View of Pump