Elenco Snap Circuits Motion Detector ® User Manual
Motion detector, Pprroojjeecctt ##44 police car, Pprroojjeecctt ##22 siren motion detector

The Snap Circuits Kit uses electronic blocks that snap onto a clear plastic base grid to build different
circuits. These blocks have different colors and numbers on them so that you can easily identify them.
Build the circuit shown by placing all the parts with a black
1 next to them on the clear plastic base grid
first. Then, assemble parts marked with a
2, then the parts marked with a 3, and finally, the part marked
with a
4. Install a 9V alkaline battery (not included) into the battery holder (B5). Place the base grid
into the blue stand (with the speaker closest to the stand) and carefully stand it up, facing across a room.
Turn on the switch (on B5). You hear an alarm sound for a few seconds on start-up and then whenever
the circuit detects motion in the room.
Build the circuit shown here and turn on the switch. It makes a siren
sound like a police car.
If you have any problems, contact Elenco
Copyright © 2005 Elenco
Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. • 150 Carpenter Ave. • Wheeling, IL 60090
(800) 533-2441 Fax: (847) 520-0085 • e-mail: [email protected] • Web site: www.elenco.com or www.snapcircuits.net
Prroojjeecctt ##11
Moottiioonn D
Prroojjeecctt ##44
Police Car
Never connect Snap Circuits
to the electrical outlets in your
home in any way!
Always check your wiring before
turning on a circuit. Never leave a circuit
unattended while the batteries are installed.
Never connect additional batteries or any other
power sources to your circuits.
Motion Detector
Model SCP-03
Use the circuit from project #1. Remove the 2-
snap wire at point C, but keep it connected at
point B.
The circuit works the same way, but
sounds like a siren.
PPrroojjeecctt ##22
Siren Motion Detector
Use the circuit from project #1. Remove the 2-
snap wire from points B and C and connect it
across points A and B. Now the circuit sounds
like an alarm.
PPrroojjeecctt ##33
Alarm Motion Detector
Use the circuit from project #4, but add a 2-snap wire across points A
and B. Now it sounds like a fire engine.
Prroojjeecctt ##55
Fire Engine
Use the circuit from project #4, but add a 2-snap wire across points B
and C. Now it sounds like a machine gun.
Prroojjeecctt ##66
Machine Gun
Use the circuit from project #4, but add a 2-snap wire across points A
and D. Now it sounds like a European siren.
Prroojjeecctt ##77
European Siren