Quiz, Testing instructions, Troubleshooting – Elenco Burglar Alarm User Manual

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1. The Burglar Alarm is powered by a _______ volt battery.

2. The main component of the Burglar Alarm is the ___________________.

3. The two types of activating switches are the normally __________ contact and the normally __________


4. The SCR will only conduct current when the __________ is at a positive voltage.

5. An SCR will continue to conduct current from Anode to Cathode even if the gate is _____________.

6. Once the SCR is fired, one way to turn it off is to _______________ the anode voltage.

7. False alarms are eliminated by the use of a _____________.

8. The alarm device used in this circuit is an electronic ________________.

9. Capacitor ______ is added across the buzzer to keep the current flowing in the SCR.

10. Diode D1 is added across the relay to remove excessive _________ to the SCR.


1. Connect a 9V type battery to the battery snap

(battery not included).

2. Switch S1, power switch, on (up position).

3. Short two wires connected to S3 together, buzzer

should activate. Disconnect the wires from S3,
the buzzer should still be on. Turn off S1 (down
position) to reset the alarm.

4. Turn S1 on (up position). Disconnect the wires

from S2 and the buzzer should activate.
Reconnect the wires to S2, the buzzer should still
be on. Turn off S1 to reset the alarm.

5. If your K-23 does not operate properly, follow the

troubleshooting procedure below.


1. One of the most frequently occurring problems is

poor solder connections.

a) Tug slightly on all parts to make sure that

they are indeed soldered.

b) All solder connections should be shiny.

Resolder any that are not.

c) Solder should flow into a smooth puddle

rather than a round ball. Resolder any
connection that has formed into a ball.

d) Have any solder bridges formed? A solder

bridge may occur if you accidentally touch
an adjacent foil by using too much solder or
by dragging the soldering iron across
adjacent foils. Break the bridge with your
soldering iron.

2. Be sure that all components have been mounted

in their correct places.

a) Make sure that C1, the electrolytic

capacitor, is mounted correctly.

b) Make sure that diodes D1 and D2 are

mounted correctly with the band in the same
direction as shown on the top legend.

c) Make sure that the battery snap B1 is

installed correctly. The red wire should be in
the positive (+) hole and the black wire in
the negative (–) hole.

d) Make sure that the buzzer is wired correctly

(blue wire to (+) lead).

e) Make sure that the SCR is in correctly.
f) Use a fresh 9 volt battery.

Contact ELENCO


if you have any problems. DO NOT contact your place of purchase as they will not be able

to help you.