Artistic masterpieces of leonardo da vinci – Elenco MultiBarrel Cannon User Manual
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The Mona Lisa (circa 1503)
The Last Supper (circa 1498)
Virtruvian Man (circa 1487)
Da Vinci later took positions with King Louis XII and Pope Leo X and ultimately
with the King of France, Francis I. It was the King who offered Da Vinci the title,
Premier Painter and Engineer and Architect of the King. Francis I valued
Da Vinci’s great mind and his sole function was to engage in conversations about
Renaissance culture and art with the benevolent royal.
It is important to remember that Da Vinci is not only
and great inventor, but is considered to be one of the
most acclaimed artists to ever have lived, creating
such masterpieces as The Last Supper (c.1498) and the
Mona Lisa (c.1503). Leonardo's drawing of the
Vitruvian Man is also regarded as a masterpiece.
Unfortunately, only a small number of Da Vinci’s
paintings have survived. Leonardo experimented with
new techniques, most of which did not yield
long-lasting results. The master painter was also somewhat of a perfectionist
with fastidious attention to detail. It is believed that when painting the Mona
Lisa, the artist spent ten years perfecting the lips of this masterpiece.