Elenco MultiBarrel Cannon User Manual
Page 10

Glossary Words
To understand how machine guns work, it helps to know something about firearms in
general. Almost any gun is based on one simple concept: Apply explosive pressure
behind a projectile to launch it down a barrel. The earliest, and simplest, application of
this idea is the cannon. A cannon is a metal tube with a closed end and an open end.
The closed end has a small fuse hole. The gunpowder and cannonball are positioned in
the breech, the rear part of bore, which is the open space in the cannon. To prepare
the gun for firing, a fuse is lit. The flame travels along the fuse, and finally reaches the
gunpowder. When gunpowder is ignited, it burns extremely rapidly and produces a
hot gas. The hot gas applies much greater pressure on the powder side of the cannonball
than the air in the on the other side. This reaction rapidly propels the cannonball out
of the gun.
Barrel – the discharging tube of a gun
Bore – the inside of a gun's barrel, through which a projectile travels when fired.
Breech – the part of a firearm at the rear of the barrel
Breach Bolt – A mechanism that opens and closes the breech in a machine gun and
designed to push a cartridge into the chamber using a sliding action.
Cannon – a large heavy gun usually mounted on a carriage
Cartridge Belt – a device used to retain and feed cartridges into a firearm
Hammer – a part of the action of a gun that strikes the firing pin to ignite the cartridge
Sear – the part of the trigger mechanism which holds the hammer or striker back until the
correct amount of pressure has been applied to the trigger; at which point the hammer or
striker is released to discharge the weapon.