Installation instructions – East Coast Supercharging Alternator Relocate Kit User Manual

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Installation Instructions:


: Installation of this product should only be performed by those persons knowledgeable in

the repair and modification of high performance automotive systems.


: The use of this Alternator Relocation kit requires the discharge and removal of the Air

Conditioner compressor and associated lines. It is strongly recommended that this be done by a certified
AC technician.

1. Unpack the ECS AR kit and check components against the contents list. If there are any parts missing

contact ECS immediately.

2. Recover the refrigerant from the A/C system.

3. Disconnect the (-) and (+) battery cables remove the battery heat shield.

4. Remove the water pump.

5. Remove the compressor drive belt.

6. Disconnect the compressor clutch electrical connector.

7. Raise and support the vehicle.

8. Remove the compressor hose retaining bolt.

9. Disconnect the compressor hose from the compressor, cap or tape the hose end to prevent contamina-

10. Remove the lower compressor mounting bolts. (Blue arrows)

11. Lower the vehicle.

12. Remove the compressor mounting nut.

13. Fully loosen the compressor mounting stud. (Some years there are 2 bolts on top as shown)

14. Remove the upper compressor mounting bolt.