Configuring climbrate alarms, Servo display on the dashboard – Eagle Tree Seagull Expander User Manual

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Copyright © 2003 Eagle Tree Systems, LLC

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If you want to have the Dashboard switch to the LCD page that has the alarming parameter, check the “Check here to automatically
Switch…” checkbox.

NOTE: If two or more alarm conditions occur simultaneously, only the last occurring condition will be signaled. If the last
condition to trigger an alarm goes away, the second to last currently active condition will be signaled, etc.

Once all the parameters you wish to display are configured, you can review the parameters by clicking the Preview button as shown in
Figure 5. The Preview window is a handy way to see which parameters are configured on which LCD page locations. A “***” in a
page location indicates that no parameter is displayed in that location.

Once the parameters are configured to your satisfaction, click OK, which will download the settings to the Dashboard. Note that you
can change the parameters at any time by following the above steps.

Note: If you wish to clear all previously configured parameters, hit the Clear button on the bottom of the utility.

Figure 4

Figure 5

Configuring Climbrate Alarms

If you have a Flight Data System, and wish to set up climbrate and/or sinkrate alarms for variometer support, click the Climbrate
button in the alarms section. Note that the Climbrate button will only appear when the Climbrate parameter is selected and Enabled.
Note also that when the Climbrate parameter is enabled, the Configure Climbrate Alarms page will automatically appear.

Carefully read the instructions on the Configure Climbrate Alarms page. This page should be self explanatory. The audible
climbrate/sinkrate alarms are configured in basically the same way that other alarm parameters are configured. One difference is that
both climbrate and sinkrate alarms can be simultaneously programmed.

Note that the altitude value displayed (if the altitude parameter is selected for display) is by default averaged and updated once during
each climbrate measurement time interval. If you wish to display the raw, unaveraged altitude value, uncheck this box. Note that the
altitude may “jump around” a bit if raw mode is chosen.

Servo Display on the Dashboard

If you calibrated your servo movements with the App during Recorder setup, the Seagull should display the correct names of your
servos, i.e., “Ailerons.” If you did not calibrate, servos will be labeled “Servo 1”, etc.