Delkron Twin Ca 117 User Manual
Page 3

STEP # 6 – Checking piston to piston clearance
It is necessary to check for correct piston to piston clearance at BDC
(Bottom Dead Center)
Assemble flywheels into machined left side crankcase with cylinder studs
installed. Install pistons onto connecting rods being sure that piston
clearance notches face center of engine (towards each other). Install both
cylinders with base gaskets and secure to cylinder studs (it is OT necessary
to torque fasteners at this time).
Rotate flywheel assembly so that both pistons are at BDC and check
clearance of pistons at the clearance notches. A minimum of 1/16
clearance is needed. If insufficient clearance is noticed, remove pistons from
cylinders and grind / machine