Delkron Shovelhead User Manual
Delkron For motorcycles

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just purchased the most innovative and improved
version of the big twin engine cases ever offered by anyone, anywhere. Keep in mind
that they are BETTER because they are BULLETPROOF and AMERICAN MADE! The
differences in our cases are not subtle and will demand the envy and admiration of
EVERYONE! Consult the appropriate H-D service manual for correct assembly
OTICE: If you are not experienced in engine building or do not feel confident in
performing the following procedures; STOP and consult an experience engine
builder or shop!
WAR I G! Incorrect assembly could result in bodily harm, death, and or property
ATTENTION TO DETAIL and CLEANLINESS are the two most important factors in
engine building – At Delkron we put forth every effort to ensure accuracy and cleanliness,
don’t let it be compromised by an oversight. Many good parts have been destroyed by a
mistake as simple as running an oil line to the wrong fitting or forgetting to flush the oil
tank that is contaminated with debris from a previous problem.
The following is a check list of operations required to prepare your cases for assembly.
1. Check your MSO (manufacturer’s statement of origin) and make sure the serial
number on the case matches the MSO.
2. Check for any burrs or flashing that may have slipped past our deburring process.
(We try to be as thorough as possible.)
3. Thoroughly wash your new cases in hot soapy water and rinse. Blow them dry with
compressed air, paying attention to all oil passages, making sure they are clear of debris
or any obstructions.