Ty p ica l ap p lica t io n s – DaySequerra UpMix User Manual
Page 7
Ty p ica l Ap p lica t io n s
Here are some examples that describe some typical applications where you might use UpMix.
Ra d io Pr o d u ct io n St u d io
UpMix allows production engineers to render mono or stereo content into surround. The mix can be
broadcasted on a compatible medium. When used in conjunction with DownMix, UpMix will allow the
engineer to render a watermarked (LtRt) two channel audio source back into its original surround
St e r e o Te le v isio n M a st e r Co n t r o l
Another application of UpMix is in a stereo television master control room setup. UpMix allows
rendering of original mono or stereo content into surround. The surround mix can then be sent to an
encoder and later combined video to have a complete HD broadcast.