3DLABS Oxygen GVX420 User Manual
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3Dlabs Oxygen GVX420 User's Guide
3D stereo viewing, 14
AGP, viii, ix, 3, 4, 18, 21
AGP bus, viii
API, 29, 30
BIOS, 18, 19
Colorific, viii
Configuration Manager, 10, 18
Control Panels, viii
Digital Flat Panel Output, vii
Direct3D, 11, 18
Display Control Panel, 10, 11, 12, 18
Display Properties, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Dual-head support, vii
DVI connectors, 5
Dynamic load balancing, vii
Gamma, vi, vii, 21, 30
geometry processing, vii
GLINT R3 rasterizers, vi
Glossary, 28
high resolution display, vii
Installing, 3
Oxygen RX210 with DVI daughter card, 3
Oxygen Windows NT driver, 6
Soft Engine, 7
software, 5
memory, vii
Monitor Resolutions, 21
Monitor Screen, 18
multi-monitor support, vii, 5
Multiple Monitors, 12
Online Information, 19
OpenGL, ii, vii, 11, 14, 15, 18, 31
partners, x
PowerThreads, vii
RAM, ix
rasterization processors, vii
registration, 8
Regulatory Statements, 26
SGRAM, vii, 21, 31
SoftEngine, viii, 2, 7
Software License, 22, 23
Specifications, vii, 21
Stereo, 14, 15
stereo, quad-buffered, vii
System Requirements, ix
Task Bar, 10
textures, vii, 31
Troubleshooting, 17, 18, 19
monitor resolutions, 18
systems and networks, 18
VESA, 15
Virtual Textures, vii
Warranty, 24
Windows 2000, vii, ix, 11
Windows NT, ii, vii, viii, 5, 6, 11, 12
Z-buffer, viii