M 1*1 j la, R^line j, Figure 1. typical input connections – Altec Lansing 3300A User Manual
Page 3: Hl-vl, 1 -------- cgh, Unbalanreo 1------- — — output
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Operating Instructions for the Altec Lansing 3300A Series Mixing Consoles
1.1 115 Vac 50/60 Hz Operation
Tlie mixing console is provided with
the voltage select switch in the 115
Vac position. Its power supply design
allows it to be powered from 100 Vac
to 120 Vac lines in this switch posi
1.2 230 Vac 50/60 Hz Operation
The mixing console may be powered
by line volta^s from 220 Vac to 240
Vac by switching the voltage select
switch to tlie 230 Vac position. How
ever, the ac line fuse must be
changed. Refer to Table I for proper
fiise value.
WARNING: Veri^ that the voltage
select switch is in the desired
position, and the proper fuse is in
place for the intended ac line voltage
BEFORE applying power to the
mixing console.
2.1 Rack Mounting
The 3308A mixer may be placed in a
standard 19 inch equipment rack. It
requires 17,5 inches of vertical speice
(10 standard EIA vertical rack
spaces). For more information on
rack-mount installation, refer to
Section 5 and Figitre 9 of this
2.2 Ventilation
The 3300A series mixii^ consoles
should not be used in areas where
the ambient temperature exceeds
eO^C (140°F).
Table I. Fuse Selection Chart
100 V— 120 V
(8 anii 16 ch only)
100 V — 120 V
eh only)
220 V — 2 AC LINE FUSE iOO niA/250 V 300 mA)2M> V 230 niA)250 V 3 SIGNAL CONN liCTIONS 3.1 Input Connections Balanced microphc -ne inputs may hi connector. For single-ended inputs strap the low (—) input (pin 3 oi XLR or Ring on %-inch phone) h balanced input stage will see 5 dl less input signal level than with i balanced input. Refer to Figure 1 fo: BALANCED MIC M 1*1 J LA UNBALANCED MIC HOT HI 1+1 p 1 BAUINCED LINE LEVEL SOURCE LC H Y V 1 NC UNeALANCED LINE LEVEL SOURCE jjCEL J NC m LO-Z INPUT LO-Z MIC INPUT HI-Z BALANCED LINE INPUT HI-Z BALANCED LINE INPUT UNBALANCED LINE LEVEL SOURCE Not recoABendfid foi* rtm? over 6 feet. p---------------—----------------- 1 HI-Z HOT BALANCED LINE INPUT UNBALANCED LINE LEVEL SOURCE Not rocoauendeit for runs over B feet. J---------------------- ------^ HI-Z HPT -e-r& —UNBALANCED r^LINE J INPUT Figure 1. Typical input connections. SERVO- OUTPUT SERVO- HL-Vl- NC Mot reconaentfea for runs over 6 feet. ^RVO- BALANCED Not recommeniied for runs over ipo feet. BALANCED UNBALANCED 1 -------- CGH 1 3" Not reconnenoed for runs dver 6 feet. ____________- UN8AU1NCED r OUTPUT ^ Not recoradended (or runs over 5 feet UNBALANreO 1------- — — OUTPUT 1 balanced Í load :;);B ALANCEO __ LOAD :.::3AUNCED __ LOAD BALANCED —1 LOAD BALANCED —^ LOAD UNBALANCED ___^ LOAD “i - Figure 2- Typical output connections. ALTEC LAVS/VG* CORBORATJOti • a Mark IV Company
made to the 3-pin XLR-^jqje con
nector. Balanced line inputs may hi
made to the Vi-inch phone (TRS
ground. Otherwise;, the electronically
typical input connect ions.