Ford-uhcoln-lilercurrinstallatfon - 1984and0lder – Audiovox AV-970 User Manual
Page 8
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Importanl-This ingratiation is designed for 19S4 and okter U,S. nna
vehicles, an inslailation kit may be required. See Kit Listing on Page 2 ot this manual or гЫег to the in-slore chart,
1. R«Mo« Existlag RadHr
A. Remove radio Knobs and shaft nuts behind the knobs,
B. Locate and remove support brace at back of radio.
C. Pushradiobackintodastiboardtoaccessihewiringandantennacabiespluggedintoltierearofthechassis
D- Un-piug the wiring harriess(es) and antenna oabie and remove the radio.
г. win tMiM hipa:
A. inmost cases ¡lis easier to wire the radio before mounting it. Race iher^Ldionearthedashboardsothewires
can be ied through the opening.
B. CarefLEily follow the diagrarns on pages 10 and 11 or 12 [depending on how many speakers you are using)
to wire the radio, making certain aii connections are secure and insulated with wire nuts or etectrical tape to
insure proper operation of the unit.
C. After compieting the wiring, turn the unit on to confirm operation [igrtition switch must be *on'). if unit does
not operate, re check ail wiring until problem is connected. Once proper operation is achieved, turn off unit
and ignition switch, and proceed with final mounting of the radio.
3. taltal tiHiHbll«;
A. Thread a shaft nut halfway down each radio shaft.
B. Place the nosepiece collar on the radio nosepiece.
the radio nosepiece and collar are flush against the back of the dashboard.
O. Secure the radio with a shaft nut on each radio shaft.
E. Attach one end of the perforated support strap (supplied] to the screw stud on the radio using the hex nut
provided. Fasten the other end of the perforated strap to a secure partofthedashboardeitheraboveorbeloiw
the radio using the screw and nut provided. Bend the strap to position it as necessary.
CiUBOtL-The rear of the radio must be supported with the strap to prevent damage to the dashboard from the
weight of the radio or improper operation of the radio due to vibration.
F. Install knobs on radio shafts.