Audiovox AV-970 User Manual
Page 4
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Thifs installation is designed for oars, tojclts, vans, and boats liiat have an existing radio opening. It can also be used
as an option on some of the vehicles listed as requiring Ihe AX-fiS-SNP kit. It wiil not work on all vehicies, but can be
used on most newer Fords and many imports.
1. Insped IlH Ejlistliig Rarfle Opening;
A. Use the tiirnplate suppiied with the radio to cover the existing opening. i1 it compieteiy covers Ibe opening, you
can install the radio as explained below. If it does not cover the opening, you wiil need an installation kit.
B, Check that there wiii be sufficient space behind the dashboard for the radio chassis,
Wlra the Raina to H
VWilda's Wliliig:
A. In mast cases it is easier to wire the radio before mounting it. Place the radio near the dashboard so the wires
can be led through the opening.
B. Carefully foliow the (Vagrams on pages 10 and 11 or f 2 (depending on how many speakers you ana using) to
wire the radio, making certain all connections are secure and insulated with wire nuts or eiectrical tapeto insure
proper operation of the unit.
C After corrrpieting the wiring, turn the unit on to conlimn operation (ignition switch must be 'on'). If unit does not
operate, re-check ail wiring until probiem is corrected. Once proper operation is achieved, turn off unit arid
ignition switch, and proceed with Itnal mounting of the radio
3. MoHnHiig the Hailo:
A. Thread a shalt nut hall-way down each radio shaft.
Piace a metal back-up plate on each radio shaft against the shaft nut.
Posilion the radio behind the dashboard opening so that the back-up piates are snug against the back of the
opening. Adjust the shaft nuts behind the back-up piates so that the desired amount of radio extends through
the opening. If possible, the best appearance is usually achieved when there is enough of the radio extending
to be flush with the front ot the trimplate.
Place the trimplate over the front of the radio and secure it with a shaft nut on each radio shaft.
Attach one end of the perforated support strap (supplied) to the screw stud on the radio using the hex nut
provided. Fasten the other end of the perforated strap to a secure part of the dashboard either above or below
the radio using the screw and nut provided. Bend the strap to position it as necessary.
CAinjON: The rear ot the radio must be supported with the strap to prevent damage to the dashboard Irom the
weight ot the radio or improper operation of Ihe radio due to vibration.
F. Install knobs on radio shafts.
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