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© 2 0 0 2 d i r e c t e d e l e c t r o n i c s , i n c .
and repeat until the ignition is turned on and the door icon (9)
will be displayed on the remote control.
Arming and disarming diagnostics (including Warn Away
responses) are reported by the remote control on the LCD.
When a Bypass Notification is generated during arming the
remote control LCD will flash the triggered zones five times
then turn off.
To review zones that have been bypassed press
seconds after arming the system. The bypassed zones will
again flash five times and turn off.
When a Tamper Alert notification is generated upon
disarming, the triggered zones will flash on the remote
control LCD five times then turn off.
To review the zones that have been triggered press the
button. They flash five times again, then turn off.
note: Your system stores the last two triggered zones in
memory. If your system has been triggered but the LED
has been reset by turning on the ignition, your dealer can
still recall the last two zones that were triggered. Contact
your dealer for details.